Sunday, February 11, 2018

Historic Bi-Centenary Protest

The Institute Times, Self-determination 1980 - 1989

The Institute Times

Aboriginal People Protest Bicentenary

The Bicentenary of Australia was celebrated on Australian Day in 1988. It marked 200 years since the arrival of the First Fleet of British convict ships at Sydney in 1788.
The Bicentenary celebration day also marked a day of protest by Aboriginal peoples.

Yesterday myself and a friend re watched this video... this was 30 years ago on the 26th January in 1988.  Nothing has gotten better with regards to justice where the remaining nations that are left after colonization genocidal actions by successive governments and the general public at large are concerned.  Ignorance is no longer an excuse when it comes to this serious issue.  This is a crime against humanity.

After you have watched this one above you can click through HERE and go to an SBS site that has another version.

More images @ Eminpee Fotography

Not sure why it does not let you play video from here but click through to Vimeo to watch like it says.

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