From On top of the Hill
Stories and ramblings from a place where the waters run very deep.
Friday, May 21, 2021
Your hair is not there by mistake. It has a purpose!
Our hair is the physical extension of our thoughts, it gives us direction throughout our lives; each of our hair represents ourselves, they're strong connection points both of our body and of our spirit according to indigenous peoples.
Men and women of wisdom have long hair; on the other hand, in places where tyranny has been presented in any of its forms, short hair has been obligatory and this, together with other factors, has culminated in the spiritual and physical defeat of the peoples.
Hair has its own language and character, and the way it is styled is extremely important to whoever wears it: The line in the middle represents the alignment of thought. The braid, the unity of thought with the heart. Loose hair means security. Hair up, conviction.
Currently people comb their hair without knowing the meaning of their actions and the style in which it is used, hair is important because leaving vanity or practicality aside, the way you wear your hair will directly affect our mood.
Going into the thinking of indigenous peoples we will find that the way of wearing hair combed was of utmost importance because this way their participation in various events was described and announced: marriage or war, joy or mourning. Through the hair and headdresses he wore, you could know the maturity of people, their status in society or the times of peace and war.
Hairstyles were like the seasons; They changed on public, private, and ceremonial occasions. The hair represented the individual's thoughts and spiritual state; showing the bonds and spiritual unity of his family and defining the cultural harmony and spiritual alignment of his community.
The hair represented the states of nature, flowed in a straight line like waterfalls, or rippled like river water. Indigenous children were taught to wash and rinse their hair. In the teachings of many indigenous tribes, cutting hair represented a process of mourning or proximity to death. Hair was a mystical element in all of them.
They did not allow anyone to touch their hair without their permission.
On the importance of long hair: For a long time, peoples of different cultures have not cut their hair, because it is a part of who they are. When the hair is allowed to reach its maximum length, then phosphorus, calcium, and vitamin D are produced, and enter the lymphatic fluid and finally the cerebrospinal fluid through two ducts in the upper part of the brain. This ionic change makes memory more efficient and leads to increased physical energy, increased endurance, and stoicism.
If you decide to cut your hair, not only will this extra energy and nutrients be lost, but your body will need to provide a large amount of vital energy and nutrients to regrow lost hair. Also, the hairs are the antennas that collect and channel the energy of the sun or (prana) to the frontal lobes, the part of the brain that is used for meditation and visualization. These antennas act as conduits to achieve a greater amount of subtle energy, cosmic energy.
It takes approximately three years from the last time the hair was cut to form new antennae at the tips of the hair. Wet hair: When you pick up wet hair, it will tend to shrink and pinch a little, and even break as it dries. A better idea is to take the time to sit in the sun once in a while and allow your clean, damp hair to dry naturally and absorb extra vitamin D.
Yogis recommend washing your hair every 72 hours (or more frequently if your scalp sweats a lot). It may also be beneficial to wash your hair after being upset or angry, to help process emotions.
Haircut: Often when people were conquered or enslaved, their hair was cut as a sign of slavery, helplessness, and humiliation.
The bones of the forehead are porous and their function is to transmit light to the pineal gland, which affects brain activity, as well as the thyroid and sex hormones. Just as tribes and entire societies were conquered, the haircut became so prevalent that the importance of hair was lost after a few generations, and hairstyles and fashion became the focus.
Closing cycles: Our hair, like every cell in our body, has a memory, which is why it is common that when we close a chapter of our life, our being asks us for a haircut, unconsciously due to the need for renewal, as when trees loosen their bark, until to regain its vitality.
Wooden comb: Yogis also recommend using a wooden comb or brush to comb your hair, as it offers a great deal of circulation and stimulation to the scalp, and the wood does not generate static electricity, causing a loss of energy. from the hair to the brain.
You will notice that if you comb from front to back, back to front, and then several times to the right and to the left, it will refresh you, no matter how long your hair is. All the weariness of the day will be gone.
For women, using this technique to comb hair twice a day is said to help maintain youth, a healthy menstrual cycle, and good eyesight.
If you have balding problems, the lack of energy in your hair can be counteracted with more meditation. If you are finding some strands of silver (gray hair) in your hair, be aware that silver or white color increases the flow of energy and vitamins to compensate for aging.
For brain health, as you age, try to keep your hair as healthy and natural as possible. It is said that when you allow the hair to grow to its full length and wind it around the crown of the head, the energy of the Sun, the prana, the vital energy, goes down the spine. To counter that downward trend, the Kundalini life energy rises to create balance.
Friday, May 14, 2021
The New Nuremberg Trials 2021
The “experimental” vaccine is in violation of all 10 of the Nuremberg Codes which carry the death penalty for those who seek to violate these International Laws.
Sunday, December 13, 2020
Sankta Lucia.. The Winter Solstice .. Northern Hemisphere.
St. Lucia’s Day is celebrated in Scandinavia with their long dark winters.
A young women is dressed in a beautiful white dress. Draped around her waist is a red ribbon sash. The red is symbolic of martyrdom. The girl carries palm fronds and she precariously wears a wreath circlet with candles attached on her head.
In the countries of Sweden and Norway it is traditional now for a group of young girls to dress as Lucy and carry rolls and biscuits with them in a procession while singing songs.
Celebrating St Lucia's Day is said to bring favor to endure the long winter with enough light.
In America, the Swedish American Society of West Michigan honours this festival on the first Saturday of the month of December each year.
December 13 is the feast day of Sankta Lucia, the patron saint of Sweden. Until the Pope Gregory XII made the Gregorian calendar official in AD 1582, the winter solstice fell on December 13-Lucia’s feast day. Lucia (Lucy) was actually an Italian, she is celebrated in certain parts of Italy, but she is most associated with the Nordic countries.
Read More Here : Sankta Lucia: The Survival of a Nordic Sun Goddess
Modern Traditions have the eldest daughter dressing up and making the coffee and serving rolls dressed in the classic white dress with red ribbon.
More Images @ Eminpee Fotography
Saturday, December 12, 2020
Regional Towns abandoned & killed off by Governments are quaintly called Villages!
Little towns abound in the New England area of NSW and I am sure its similar all over Australia. The towns that made some Australians very rich have been abandoned and forgotten.
The services are few and far between. Don't get sick or need a hospital because they are all in the cities. We no longer have hospitals or Doctors We are left to fend for ourselves.
Below is a Hansard Transcript of Mr Bruce Scott who was the National Party Member for Maranoa in the years 1990 to 2016. He was also Veterans Affairs Minister from 1996 to 2001. He spoke passionately about the situation ten years ago. Ten years later things are so bad in the bush. Lack of services and a feeling the government is trying to push us into the horrible cities. We will not be leaving.
HANSARD - Monday, 25 October 2010 - Page: 1395
link to Hansard Page
Mr BRUCE SCOTT (9:49 PM) — I rise this evening to talk about something I am quite passionate about and that is how we can halt the slow decline of many of our rural communities across Australia—those lovely little country towns. Once upon a time Australia was dotted with thriving small towns, many of which, not long after Federation, lived on the agricultural wealth of the region and—I see the member for Lyne here on the wool industry. We used to talk about, in the history I learned at school, ‘riding on the sheep’s back’. In those days we had about eight to 10 million people in this country. Today we are a nation of in excess of 22 million and growing.
Contributing to the decline in the fortunes of our agricultural sector in Australia have been the harsh realities of economic rationalism, government choices in some cases and the pulling up of railways. In Queensland the forced amalgamation of many shires has had a significant impact on many country towns through the loss of part of their workforce. Many of those country towns once had a local government which was at the heart and centre of the community, because local government is about local issues, and many of those communities have just lost heart. They still have fight in them, but they have lost heart because they feel that the government is not supporting them. The amalgamation of those shires has led to a number of them continuing to decline in size.
We have to reverse this decline before it is too late, Mr Speaker. Our capital cities, as you and many in this House would know, are growing beyond the capacity to meet the needs of the people who want to live there. They have traffic congestion and water shortages, just to name a couple of issues. These large towns continue to grow, with ever more people wanting to move into our capital cities. There is an opportunity to attract these people to regional and rural areas, but we must change the perception that many city people have of our country areas. We need to lose this image that rural communities are just like that old, lonely roly-poly running across a drought stricken plain. That is the image that some have of our outback towns, but we must change that perception because it is not the reality.
Regional, rural and remote communities so often offer opportunities for many types of businesses. There are opportunities galore, but we have to be able to encourage people to move into rural communities and out of our congested capital cities. We must tap into that potential and attract and encourage people to move out of our capital cities. There really are great benefits in making the tree change and we must strongly promote those benefits.
The future of much of our rural and remote Australia is a case of ‘if we build it they will come’. One example where the infrastructure has been built in my electorate is in outback tourism. It is a growing opportunity—hospitality, motels, the tourism attractions that we have out there. It is certainly changing the economy of many of our towns. But we have to build the infrastructure. To halt the decline in our rural communities we must make serious investments in infrastructure.
The government often talks about nation building, but so often these nation-building projects are in our capital cities. I am not saying that our capital cities do not need this infrastructure. They certainly do. But many of them have suffered from short-sighted Labor state governments over the past decade, in particular in my own state of Queensland. If we had just a third of the money from royalties out of our mining sector going back into our rural communities we could invest it in roads and other essential infrastructure and see people moving out into these rural communities. But where does this money go? It goes into the capital cities. It is spent in the capital cities, yet the wealth has come from the rural communities from things like the coal seam methane gas extension that was only announced last Friday by the Minister for Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities, Tony Burke.
The minister announced, for instance, that that Santos and British Gas project for LNG, which is to be exported out of Gladstone, is going to drill 6,000 holes in this coal seam methane area. Yet there was no announcement about money being invested in the Warrego Highway. All of that infrastructure to build the coal seam methane gas industry is going to pass over the Warrego Highway. We have to have royalties being returned to the regions where the wealth comes from to build this infrastructure. (Time expired)
I do not support the National Party and never have so lets be clear on that fact. But in truth it is like there were two National Parties when it comes to the bush in Australia.
It is blatantly obvious what has happened in our regional areas and Mr Scott identified this. What Mr Scott could not see was his chronie compatriots all had snouts in the trough where mining was concerned and all they had was $$$ signs in their eyes.
Mr Scott sounded like he was 'old school' as we call it. He was a man for the bush - the National Party is a party for Mining now only, and nothing about farmers unless they are big corporate overseas concerns. They are pushing for small farmers to leave their family properties.
The Nationals have sold out the bush completely. Sad but true reality to families who have been on this land farming for 5 or 6 generations.
Images @ Eminpee Fotography
Sunday, December 06, 2020
Baphomet is a French word meaning "Mohammed".
A military order that began circa 1129, the Knights Templar remained active until the first part of the fourteenth century.
Templar knights wore pristine white mantles that sported a bright red cross. Known for military prowess, these highly skilled fighting units reached prominence during the Crusades.
A major financial institution, the Knights Templar managed a large economic infrastructure throughout Europe.
At dawn on Friday, Oct. 13, 1307 (possibly the origin the Friday the thirteenth superstition), French King Philip IV ordered the arrest and execution of the Knights Templar Grand Master Jacque de Molay and scores of other leading knights.
Jacque de Molay was burned in the year 1314. The order went underground after this. French and Scottish Rite Masonry took on some of the ritual but this isn't always seen as solid information.
There seemed a fantastic connection to the Pope (Templars). How did they come to have such favor with the Roman Church? Clairvaux was the connection and favor with Baldwin ll. The church encouraged Pilgrimages and so it was necessary to protect the Pilgrims.
Postscript.. I was married to a man with surname Baldwin. His family goes back to this Royal French Baldwins. We named our daughter Matilda as did the original Baldwin / Bourdin.
Tuesday, October 27, 2020
Violence against Protestors was Unprovoked - Sydney University Protest
Of late, Sydney University Law Professor Simon Rice has been running an extracurricular project, which involves overseeing some students working on reforming protest laws. Indeed, over recent years, state laws have been gradually encroaching upon the right to demonstrate.So, as there was an on campus USYD student rally organised for 14 October, the professor suggested his students with a focus on protest accompany him to observe the demonstration as part of their research.
To read the entire account please click HERE
Protesting is a fraught activity in light of the Police Violence in each state against protestors. You can almost guarantee you will be assaulted by Police. You will be assaulted even if you are observing, for example taking photographs of the protest. The Police seemingly act how ever they want and when questioned about violence, they deny it.
Protest Photographs -
More Images @ Eminpee Fotography
Monday, October 26, 2020
Farnese Military Bloodline
The Farnese bloodline are intermarried with the House of Bourbon of Spain and also established the Bourbon-Parma branch in Italy which are intermarried with Dutch royalty, Belgian nobility, and the royal family of Luxembourg. Prince Edouard de Lobkowicz of Belgium married Princess Marie-Francoise of Bourbon-Parma. Prince Edouard was a banker for Chase Manhattan Bank, worked for several investment firms and was also an ambassador for the Sovereign Military Order of Malta which is stationed in Rome. The Nassau-Weilburg family of Luxembourg have Farnese blood and Grand Duke Henri of Luxembourg is a titled as Prince of Bourbon-Parma as the grandson of Prince Felix of Bourbon-Parma. The Farnese family were the Dukes of Castro and Parma and they branched into Spain. The Castro family of Cuba originated from Spain and are ancestors of the Farnese family.
Elizabeth Farnese II was the Queen of Spain and she married into the Bourbon family. Prince Carlos of Bourbon-Parma who is the nephew of Queen Beatrix has worked for the Dutch bank ABN AMRO which has a merger with the Saudi Hollandi Bank of Saudi Arabia and Prince Carlos' work was involved in implementing the Euro. Prince Carlos also worked for the European Public Policy Advisors in Belgium. Today the Bourbon King of Spain holds the title of King of Jerusalem as well as most of the monarchical titles of Italy and has Parma blood however without any Parma princely title. The House of Bourbon govern Spain and ceremonially rule over Vaticano Hill. They are one of the most powerful royal bloodlines on the Earth. The House of Bourbon control a lot of Mexico and South America and control many of the politicians and much of the organized crime in Latin America. Members of the Farnese bloodline today are Prince Carlos of Bourbon-Parma, Prince Jamie of Bourbon-Parma, Grand Duke Henri of Luxembourg, Juan Carlos of Spain, and at the head of this bloodline is Prince Carlo of Bourbon Two-Sicilia's.
Prince Carlo of Bourbon Two-Sicilies the Duke of Castro is the highest level member of the Farnese bloodline and he is one of the highest authorities in Rome's global crime syndicate. Prince Carlos is the sovereign head of the Sacred Military Constantinian Order of Saint George and the Royal Order of St. Francis I.
Wednesday, September 02, 2020
The Industrial Revolution initiated the destruction and Feminism destroyed what was left.
Children were made to slave from dawn till dark. They probably were only prevented from carrying on due to the lack of light. Times were dreadful and people must have felt so hopeless for so long trying to eek out a living in order to survive against the odds. Disease, Starvation and lack of good water made things more complex to survive.
In the present employment climate with the world control brought down by the United Nations underling WHO with the gross over-reaction and response to a virus with flu like symptoms it would pay for people to remember the freedoms they are giving up under the guise that it is good for us all and remember just how hard our forebears fought for these freedoms. Largely small business has been destroyed during the Pandemic of Covid, and the response to it reminds me of the similar situation the craftsman cottage industries faced when they were destroyed by the industrial revolution This made beautiful hand made items a rarity and largely a thing of the past on a large scale. It is still there but at great cost.
Freedom as it is in the times post the 1930's depression / recession has been taken for granted because it only takes one generation to effect change in education so that largely its taken from the forefront of peoples minds.
Today's youth would likely not know how the Australian Federal Government stole the retirement funds all paid for by the blood and sweat of my grandparents and parents only to be squandered by the Government in my lifetime. I spoke out about it but people were blind to what was going on and what they were being told by the television and the bias presented therein. People were deceived in my opinion. Now our youth are schooled in how the elderly are wasting their resources and that they are gobbling up funds in pensions. This is such an altered version of what really happened. If people want to research all of this, of course its all there, but who does.
Please click through and read the full paper because it is so informative of life in those times during the industrial revolution evident in all of the workers ballads.
We have seen how the "organic community" of working people has never been a very stable or self-sufficient entity, at least during the period from the seventeenth century onwards when the occupational songs that survive were in the making.
One reason for this was, of course, the constant impinging of struggles in the world outside, through wars, periodic unemployment, the loss of common land, forced impressment into the navy for those living in coastal areas and, above all, the transformations of society brought about by the Industrial and Technological Revolutions.
Taken cumulatively, these changes gradually shattered long-established social structures. By the middle of the nineteenth century they can be said to have produced a new order of unprecedented extent:
The Industrial Revolution marks the most fundamental transformation of human life in the history of the world recorded in written documents. For a brief period [c. 1770-1850] it coincided with the history of a single country, Great Britain.Excerpt taken from
An entire world economy was thus built on, or rather around, Britain, and [it] therefore temporarily rose to a position of power and influence unparalleled by any state. . . . There was a moment in the world's history when ... Britain can be described as its only workshop, its only massive importer and exporter, its only carrier, its only imperialist, almost its only foreign investor. (Hobsbawm 13)
linked here:
Thursday, August 20, 2020
GERM THEORY debunked is a good thing for us All.
I have always argued that germs are part of the all and play an enormous part in our level of bodily health. I have also argued that killing all germs weakens our immunity and that this becomes genetic and our children then inherit our immune deficiency issues.
There has been a lot of mistakes made along the way and from my perspective this is because Man has made himself God and somehow taken on the idea that God was wrong. God the word can be inflammatory to some who would prefer 'intelligent design'. That is alright in this context as it will mean the same thing in light of this subject of Germs.
I found in the comments below that she had reprinted this information from a web page found here:
THE STORY OF OZONE by Saul Pressman linked here
The work of Louis Pasteur, Edward Jenner, Rudolph Virchow, Robert Koch, Paul Ehrlich & Emil von Behring brought about the theory of wide-spread immunization, based upon the idea of producing antibodies to 'help out' the immune system to identify & attack 'invading germs.' Through the work of Antoine Bechamp, William Koch, Royal Rife, Gunther Enderlein, Carl Edward Rosenow, Otto Warburg & Gaston Naessens, the original assumptions underlying this theory regarding the body's immune system have now been shown to be erroneous. Louis Pasteur even admitted on his deathbed that he was wrong.
The so-called 'bad' bacteria and viruses that modern medicine fights with its huge arsenal of pharmaceutical drugs are in reality the germs of life. These germs of life live in symbiosis with the nutritive medium that constitutes our body, allowing it to be built up and later decomposed, to be metamorphosed and recreated. These germs are pleomorphic shapeshifters who are controlled by the medium in which they live. Germs are not something separate, isolated, unfriendly and coming from without, but are rather the foundation for all life. Without germs, there is no life. Their number is infinite. Their function is varied. Germs can change shape, join together, separate again and return to their primordial condition. Viruses, bacteria and fungi are various developmental forms of germs. The nutritive medium on which the germs thrive determines the type of development they will undergo.
Early in this century, Dr. Carl Edward Rosenow of the Mayo Biological Laboratories began a series of experiments in which he took distinctive bacterial strains from a number of disease sources and placed them in one culture of uniform media. In time, the distinctive strains all changed and became one uniform class. By repeatedly changing cultures, he could individually modify bacterial strains, making harmless ones 'pathogenic,' and in turn reverse the process. He concluded that the critical factor controlling the nature of the bacteria was the food and environment they lived on. These discoveries were first published in 1914 in the Journal of Infectious Diseases.
Rosenow's work was corroborated and expanded upon about two decades later by Royal R. Rife, developer of the Universal Microscope, with a resolution of 150,000 power. This precision instrument made live bacteria and viruses visible.
Rife showed that by altering the environment and food supply, friendly bacteria, such as colon bacillus, could be converted into the 'pathogenic' bacteria known as typhoid. Rife was able to observe that the viral agent associated with certain forms of cancer could in time be modified into harmless bacillus coli, and the process reversed. Rife stated that it was the unbalanced cell metabolism of the human body that in actuality produced the disease. He believed that if the human body was perfectly balanced, it was susceptible to no disease.
This work closely paralleled Alexis Carrel's earlier research at the Rockefeller Institute where he was able to control the rates and levels of infectious disease mortality among mice by altering the diet. Researcher Rene Dubos reaffirmed these findings and suggested that virulence is an ecological problem: that is a problem of the state of internal cleanliness.
It is known that children who cannot produce antibodies in their blood (agammaglobulinemia) nevertheless recover from diseases such as measles and still have long-term immunity. People with no antibodies have been found who are extremely resistant to diseases, while other people have developed diseases to which they already had high levels of antibodies.
Official U.S. military records show that highly immunized personnel manifest a mortality rate from diphtheria four times higher than of non vaccinated civilians.
It is now clear that the body needs no 'help' of the sort provided by immunization; that antibodies in the blood stream are not required to protect the body; and that immunization can cause immune suppression, permanent nervous system damage, and growth stunting. There is also strong evidence that immunization can actually cause the diseases it was meant to prevent. This view has gained support from the writing of a report commissioned by the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA) from Dr. Raymond Obomsawin in 1992.
In his detailed report, Dr. Obomsawin found that the idea of induced immunity was an illusion founded on: -discredited scientific theories; -the refusal to examine contrary data; -the lack of proper followup assessment of immunized children - and poor statistical methods.
The positive impact of immunization on public health has never, repeat NEVER, been substantiated in any unbiased study. Immunized people have repeatedly fallen ill to the disease they were supposedly vaccinated against, and epidemics are statistically MORE numerous in more widely vaccinated groups (studies in Gambia, Brazil and Taiwan).
Estimates by 'experts' on the degree and severity of adverse reactions have been woefully wrong, and serious damage and even fatalities have gone unreported, preventing a true assessment of the value of immunization.
Repeatedly, statistics and reports have been manipulated in an attempt to show the effectiveness of vaccination. The best known case involves the famous Salk polio vaccine. This massive program is held up as a shining example of the effectiveness of vaccination, yet the statistical evidence shows that polio was on its natural cyclic downturn at the time of introduction of the vaccine in 1956. In one of the rare double blind tests ever done on a vaccine, the group receiving it had 200 cases of polio reported, while the control group had none. Polio disappeared in Europe in the mid-Fifties about the same time as in America, yet there was no program of mass-vaccination there.
Some scientists are now postulating that full vaccination irreparably weakens the child's immune system. These same scientists theorize that mass inoculation is responsible for the widespread escalation of auto-immune, degenerative and allergic conditions amongst those subjected to vaccination as children. A further disturbing trend is the increasing coercion placed upon parents to force them to have their children subjected to this massive invasion of their bodies. The weight of state sanctions against parents is unconscionable, especially when the true dangers of immunization have now been laid bare in this report.
Now that we know that vaccination offers no protection against disease we are left with the question of what disease, how to present it and how to treat it.
The Cause of Disease
The human body is 2/3 water, 10% of it in the blood and 90% in the lymph. It toxins are allowed to build up in the system, the water gets 'dirty.' If the blood pH varies from 7.3 then the beneficial microbes that are necessary in the body begin to change their form, and disease results.
To maintain a clean system, it is necessary to have a proper diet, one that produces a blood pH that is neither too alkaline (bacteria problems) or too acid (cancer problems). And it is necessary to have sufficient oxygen in the system to allow cellular respiration to be efficient and allow complete oxidation, preventing the production of carbon monoxide which the body cannot expel.
Each cell burns sugar (carbohydrates) in oxygen to make its fuel. The carbon-hydrogen bond is cleaved, and the oxygen bonds with the hydrogen, forming H2O (water) and CO2 (carbon dioxide). If there is insufficient oxygen available, CO (carbon monoxide) is formed instead of CO2, excessive lactic acid is formed and the blood is made more acid. If this oxygen deprivation (hypoxia) continues long enough, the cell will no longer be able to sustain the process of oxidation and it will be forced to ferment its sugar anaerobically in order to survive. This process turns off the governor on cell replication and therefore wild growth can begin. Ungoverned cell growth is called cancer.
Circulation of clean, oxygen-carrying blood is a basic requirement for optimum health, and this can be achieved by bringing ozone into the body. The least expensive way of ding that would be to live on a mountain far from the cities and breathe deeply - - the recipe for an Eastern master.
Failing that, we can use an ozone generator to create ozone from pure oxygen and bring that into the body in any one of a dozen ways in order to oxidize toxins and oxygenate the cells. Ozone works at the basic level of all important bodily functions - respiration, digestion, assimilation, elimination and immunity. And this is the answer to the question of what we substitute for the worthless and dangerous vaccination programs.
It is imperative that the red blood cells be kept free-floating and un-clumped, so that they can carry the proper amount of oxygen. Ingestion of ozone keeps red blood cells from clumping and therefore keeps circulation of the optimum level necessary for good health.
If people were to have reliable and inexpensive ozone generators in their homes, they could purify their water, their air and their bodies. If adequate nutrition and sanitation were maintained, diseases of all types could be prevented. The role of the hospital would be reduced to an extension of the emergency room for accident victims. The role of the pharmaceutical company with its noxious potions would disappear, and the level of general health would rise to new heights.
1. Disease arises from micro-organisms
originating outside the body.
2. Micro-organisms should be guarded against and destroyed to prevent disease.
3. The appearance and function of specific microorganisms is constant.
4. Every disease is associated with a particular microorganism.
5. Micro-organisms are primary causal agents.
6. Disease is inevitable and can 'strike' anybody.
7. To prevent and cure diseases, it is necessary to 'build defenses' and to destroy pathogenic micro-organisms.
1. The susceptibility to disease arises from conditions within the cells of the body.
2. Micro-organisms are beneficial and life-sustaining if the body is kept clean from toxins.
3. The appearance and function of specific micro-organisms micro- organisms changes when the host organism is injured, either mechanically, biochemically, or emotionally.
4. Every disease is associated with a particular condition.
5. Micro-organisms become associated with disease only when the cells become toxified.
6. Disease arises from conditions of increased toxicity.
7. Preventing or curing disease consists of cleaning toxicity from the body in a way that does no harm.
Tuesday, August 11, 2020
Extinction Rebellion Symbolism is the perverted Rune 'Dagaz'
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Image by Gillfoto |
Did you know, if you flip the 'Extinction Rebellion' logo of the 'hourglass' on its side that this is a runic shape. This is a common practice of Satanic cabal that invented the 'Climate Change' myth. They always swipe symbolism. One only has to turn their minds to the Swastika which was clearly related to the Hindu Culture for thousands of years. How many untrained unschooled youth know this?
According to Extinction Symbol Info page,
The symbol above represents extinction. The circle signifies the planet, while the hourglass inside serves as a warning that time is rapidly running out for many species. The world is currently undergoing a mass extinction event, and this symbol is intended to help raise awareness of the urgent need for change in order to address this crisis. Estimates are that somewhere between 30,000 and 140,000 species are becoming extinct every year in what scientists have named the Holocene, or Sixth Mass Extinction. This ongoing process of destruction is being caused by the impact of human activity. Such a catastrophic loss of biodiversity is highly likely to cause widespread ecosystem collapse and consequently render the planet uninhabitable for humans.
Dagaz - Rune
Archaeological evidence proves that Dagaz has been used as a symbol of Light for more than four thousand years. It is the rune of hyper-consciousness. It is reminiscent of the lemniscate, the symbol of infinity, and the moebius strip, timelessness and illimitable potential, as well as an overturned hourglass.
The Anglo-Saxon name for this rune Daeg is related to the word for 'day' in many European languages. It's pronunciation and letter in the common alphabet, is the letter 'D'. Dagaz represents noon, when the sun is at the highest point of its course. It also means daylight itself, especially the long hours of glorius sunshine at Mid-Summer, which are the primary symbolic elements of the rune. If the twenty-four runes are laid out in a circle, then Dagaz will appear at precisely the opposite point of Jera. In runic calender, Jera represents mid-winter, when the sun is at its weakest, and Dagaz symbolises the sun in its full strength. The Rowan Tree and the Norway Spruce are the trees associated with Dagaz. It is also symbolised by the herb 'sage'

Associated Maladies: Learning disorders, mental retardation, fogginess, inattention
Action: Warming
Solution: Warmth, Starting Over
Extinction Rebellion are on the side of herding people into 'smart cities' to save the environment. U do not support them. I do not support any large movements because when you dig down and scratch the surface there is a common ugliness to be seen. A controlled opposition agenda is under all of the large world wide movements. It is happening now with 'Black Lives Matter' protest agenda. All cities are clearly unhealthy if we are to believe what we are being told now regarding particular Virus's.
Smart Cities.
S.M.A.R.T. is an acronym for "Secret Militarised Armaments in Residential Technology".
A huge chunk of the population of the world believed that the Extinction Rebellion movement was grass roots by Greta Thunberg. Who incidentally resembles the notorious Bratz doll that has been recently pulled from the shelves because of a secret button.
This same large chunk of people are seemingly ignorant or blind to the use of 'Controlled Opposition' as a tactic of control. Seeing how many jumped on board was a fairly accurate way of measuring how many people can be fooled by illusion and media.
Once this movement got a foot hold across the world this led to our values being censored by our peers if we didn't think and act as a clone of the way they thought and acted. This is bully behaviour by so called woke folk. This is reprehensible of them and just a tiny bit humorous if it were not so dangerous.
Now Corona Virus is all that we hear about now everywhere we go. The views are polarised to the maximum on either end of the string. Those same Brown Shirt type people are at every turn.
Our travel to and our choice of whom we visit with and where we shop and spend out money is monitored by stealth cameras and tracing apps installed on mobile phones. If this isn't destructive enough, there is talk of ridding the world of cash. We are being told how to pay for what we purchase. This is our own money and now it really is dirty apparently.
It's fascist thinking if we're being told what to do at every turn. I have to look at this in a manner with which I wish things to be because as it is i'ts all meaningless. It'll never reach its intended purpose is what I choose to believe.
I want to believe that there are too many woke folk coming to terms with the understanding they've been conned for many many years, probably about 2000 years in fact.
I search continually for the Golden Fleece.. (Truth).
Sunday, August 09, 2020
Intellect and Intuition - Validation and Integration, Perspectives in Development.
We are over half way into the year of 2020 and what a year it has been. Life as we know it is changing faster than a lot of people can keep up with. We are faced each day with changing rules, new laws that are divisive and dangerous and we have leaders who are psychotic and well out of balance and who display abject cruelty.
When life throws you lemons, one should make lemonade as they say and equally so one can suck a lemon too. Seeing all sides and attempting Lemonade requires us to see many perspectives not just the one right before our eyes. This is a skill and it needs to be practised until there is no place left in our bodies that refuses to look at all sides of each issue that comes to hand in this versatile way.
Just when I was feeling like I understood this at a base level, along came a piece of writing that fully confirmed the why of what I was talking about and trying to put in practice. It described what I was trying to articulate. When these occasions happen it helps to not lose sight of this and so here it is:
The intellect, stripped of its intuition, will never be able to provide a complete picture of the nature of universal truth. And intuition, without the intellect, will likewise provide only a dead end if we experience universal truth directly but can’t manage to translate it into a useful way that adds value to a larger sense of community & understanding that the rational, logical & analytical capacities provide
The validation of & integration of both our intellect and intuition more fully into one another has been & will continue to be the more effective, progressive, meaningful & relatable perspective in development within existence.
Destry Roach (Author)
For me, when the balance beam is found, I also see this is where the spark occurs.. call it aliveness.
We already intuitively know this in ourselves and thus remaining still and stuck doesn't denote life. And so I ask this rhetorical question, "Is this why we desire to understand both sides" ? (all sides)
Do we do this in order to be comfortable in change because there is a pre-conceived or intuitive knowing that nothing rests and everything is always in a state of change?
Is this 'change' itself looking for that same balance beam?
As I see it, out in the world, expectations are placed on us to choose a side and this is done by both sides and of course someone inevitably loses big time.
Is this why we torture ourselves, because balance is our true nature? In finding balance there is going to be suffering. In learning to ride a bike, sometimes blood is spilled and tears flow.
Monday, July 20, 2020
Art In Stitches: The New York Times

Saturday, July 04, 2020
My Third Great Grandfather, William Spreadborough
Reunion for founding father’s family
- Warwick Daily News
Source: Press Reader

Wednesday, June 17, 2020
Ditching the Goddess.
by Chris Brazier
Monday, June 15, 2020
Ninshubur the female Deity, that was changed to a Male Deity

In later Akkadian myths, Ninshubur’s gender changes to “male”, which is the main reason why clay figurines of Ninshubur as a “god” has been found beneath the doors of temples.
These figurines show him bearing a staff or wand in his right hand.
Inanna was associated with the planet Venus. Ninshubur, the second-in-command of the goddess Inanna, was said to be associated with Mercury, as Venus and Mercury appear together in the sky.
The foot on the lion indicates she is ‘ANAT’
(aka: Semirames, Anahiti, Cybel, Diana, Ashtoreth, Anatta, Ester- Ishtar [I<AiTHAIR = Woman < Revered?]
She is believed to have been a mythic Indo-European warrior God-Empress (Dian) based in west central Asia in the late 3rd mil BC who helped conquer the world.
Her father- in- law was Belochus, her husband was Belochus Ninus (Bel, Baal, Ninus), and she was the MARI (queen mother) of her son and successor Dionysus (Dion-Ysus “ = God Emperor- Ysus) identified by some with Mithra.
She was venerated as a god by the 1st mil BC, as far as Egypt, Anatolia, and Mesopotamian and is credited for conquering Bactria, establishing Babylon and Nineveh. But her invasion of India failed, being wounded in the attempt to cover her army’s retreat
The three horns in her hat indicate she was an Empress (Dian), The arrows in her quill shows she is Diana the huntress.
The wings show she is deified after her death (2006bc?), as her god now residing in heaven.
The expose leg indicates she is sensual and famed for her exceptional beauty (“Si mir a maise” = ‘she famed of beauty’?).
After about 600bc when the religious reformations began which replaced the nurturing Mother God, with the strict Father God whose laws must be obeyed... She became ‘Damnatio Memoriae’ meaning "condemnation of memory" (stricken from history), a process involving destruction of monuments to her, destruction of her name on monuments, and removals of her and her deeds in any references to her in books.
The Roman church Damned Mithra veneration as a heresy, a false Jesus.
Today we may know her as the Whore of Babylon, and Gorgon.
Saturday, June 13, 2020
Aus. Prime Minister denies Slavery in Australia!
Scott Morrison has made some huge gaffs in his career politician life. He has shown himself to be a largely ignorant and under educated man and more so in the last few days.
The present prime minister took it upon himself to attempt to re-write history on a radio 2GB interview about BLM protests in Australia with comments regarding Slavery in Australia's history.
Morrison said there wasn't slavery and that Australia was not built on Slavery. He really messed it up so badly.
This man is a complete embarrassment to this land on the world stage and at home. The world should be aware we are led now by a Christian narcissist. We've had our fair share of Christian Circus Clowns - Tony Abbott the priest was bad enough.
Slavery was most certainly a very real part of this lands recent history since the days of the first colony at Sydney Cove.
I don't want this swept under the carpet any longer. I want the NSW Education board along with other state and territory Education boards to look closely at their part in continuing the lie about Terra Nullius. If there is going to be the indoctrination in schools then at least get history right as this should be taught in schools.
Our kids deserve to know that Captain Phillip was not a good guy and he ignored the wishes of the Crown and went straight ahead and killed people as soon as he landed.
The children in schools are not taught the truth about the lengthy Frontier Wars that occurred here in the Nineteenth century and the genocidal tactics employed by the colonists to rid the place of people to back up the lie about no one being here and it being no mans land.
That lie is the biggest one that has to be rectified by truth telling and in all levels of law and accepted and acted upon.
What good is it to recognise it if it does not come with the returning of the rights of the people to their land that was stolen. The Crown has to come toward the black fellah, not the other way around.
I hope this highlights the fact that there is a serious situation down here that has been festering for over 230 years now and if its not dealt with things will deteriorate and I don't want that happening on my watch.
I love this land - her ancient people of which I am apart of because I am standing with them and I stand on Ngarabal land and I respect that and acknowledge that.
I understand being disenfranchised and how bad that is and my skin is not black and therefore my disenfranchisement had white privilege attached. It seems people find that difficult to understand how much more difficult it is for folk because of this.
I am angry about because my brothers and sisters deserve so much more in real terms and I am not speaking about money. Money cannot buy what I am talking about. Its a mind set change.
I have heard the ancestors. They revealed themselves to me and made everything get really real back in 2012.
My story is my story and my story must help to make a difference for the good and the health of this astounding and precious land and its waters and everything that lives upon the land and in the waters.
Australia is by far without a doubt the most unique land on Earth.
Seriously, Scott Morrison views just pale against that to the point there is no comparison to be had anywhere. Its just rot that he thinks his words are more powerful than 120,000 years of continuous existence of sadly now 230 of what was over 530 different nations of this land. He's a complete idiot.
SBS Article - Click the link below
'Ignorant and ill-informed': Prime Minister's slavery comments condemned
SBS Article - Click link below
Eight War Heroes you didn't read about at School
Images @ Eminpee Fotography
Wednesday, June 10, 2020
And so.... It's Constitutional.
- Overview of the Constitution, Chapter-by-Chapter
- Full Text (Including Amendments) On One Page
- Full Text – Downloadable PDF
- Preamble
- Chapter 1 – The Parliament – Sections 1-60
- Chapter 2 – The Executive Government – Sections 61-70
- Chapter 3 – The Judicature – Sections 71-80
- Chapter 4 – Finance and Trade – Sections 81-105
- Chapter 5 – The States – Sections 106-120
- Chapter 6 – New States – Sections 121-124
- Chapter 7 – Miscellaneous – Section 125-127
- Chapter 8 – Alteration of the Constitution – Section 128
- Schedule – Oath and Affirmation
- Section 1 – Legislative Power
- Section 2 – Governor-General
- Section 3 – Salary of Governor-General
- Section 4 – Provisions relating to Governor-General
- Section 5 – Sessions of Parliament – Prorogation and Dissolution
- Section 6 – Summoning Parliament
- Section 7 – The Senate
- Section 8 – Qualifications of Electors
- Section 9 – Method of election of senators
- Section 10 – Application of State laws
- Section 11 – Failure to choose senators
- Section 12 – Issue of writs
- Section 13 – Rotation of senators
- Section 14 – Further provision for rotation
- Section 15 – Casual vacancies
- Section 16 – Qualifications of senator
- Section 17 – Election of President
- Section 18 – Absence of President
- Section 19 – Resignation of senator
- Section 20 – Vacancy by absence
- Section 21 – Vacancy to be notified
- Section 22 – Quorum
- Section 23 – Voting in the Senate
- Section 24 – Constitution of House of Representatives
- Section 25 – Provisions as to races disqualified from voting
- Section 26 – Representatives in first Parliament
- Section 27 – Alteration of number of members
- Section 28 – Duration of House of Representatives
- Section 29 – Electoral divisions
- Section 30 – Qualification of electors
- Section 31 – Application of State laws
- Section 32 – Writs for general election
- Section 33 – Writs for vacancies
- Section 34 – Qualifications of members
- Section 35 – Election of Speaker
- Section 36 – Absence of Speaker
- Section 37 – Resignation of member
- Section 38 – Vacancy by absence
- Section 39 – Quorum
- Section 40 – Voting in House of Representatives
- Section 41 – Rights of electors of States
- Section 42 – Oath or affirmation of allegiance
- Section 43 – Member of one House ineligible for other
- Section 44 – Disqualification
- Section 45 – Vacancy on happening of disqualification
- Section 46 – Penalty for sitting when disqualified
- Section 47 – Disputed elections
- Section 48 – Allowance to members
- Section 49 – Privileges &c. of Houses
- Section 50 – Rules and orders
- Section 51 – Legislative powers of the Parliament
- Section 52 – Exclusive powers of the Parliament
- Section 53 – Powers of the Houses in respect of legislation
- Section 54 – Appropriation Bills
- Section 55 – Tax Bill
- Section 56 – Recommendation of money votes
- Section 57 – Disagreement between the Houses
- Section 58 – Royal assent to Bills & Recommendations by Governor-General
- Section 59 – Disallowance by the Queen
- Section 60 – Signification of Queen’s pleasure on Bills reserved
- Section 61 – Executive power
- Section 62 – Federal Executive Council
- Section 63 – Provisions referring to Governor-General
- Section 64 – Ministers of State & Ministers to sit in Parliament
- Section 65 – Number of ministers
- Section 66 – Salaries of Ministers
- Section 67 – Appointment of civil servants
- Section 68 – Command of naval and military forces
- Section 69 – Transfer of certain departments
- Section 70 – Certain powers of Governors to vest in Governor-General
- Section 71 – Judicial power and Courts
- Section 72 – Judges’ appointment, tenure and remuneration
- Section 73 – Appellate jurisdiction of High Court
- Section 74 – Appeal to Queen in Council
- Section 75 – Original jurisdiction of High Court
- Section 76 – Additional original jurisdiction
- Section 77 – Power to define jurisdiction
- Section 78 – Proceedings against Commonwealth or State
- Section 79 – Number of judges
- Section 80 – Trial by jury
- Section 81 – Consolidated Revenue Fund
- Section 82 – Expenditure charged thereon
- Section 83 – Money to be appropriated by law
- Section 84 – Transfer of officers
- Section 85 – Transfer of property of State
- Section 86 – Collection and control of duties to pass to Commonwealth
- Section 87 – Revenue to be paid to States in first ten years
- Section 88 – Uniform duties of customs
- Section 89 – Payment to States before uniform duties
- Section 90 – Exclusive power over customs, excise, and bounties
- Section 91 – Exceptions as to bounties
- Section 92 – Trade within the Commonwealth to be free
- Section 93 – Payment to States for five years after uniform tariffs
- Section 94 – Distribution of surplus
- Section 95 – Customs duties of Western Australia
- Section 96 – Financial assistance to States
- Section 97 – Audit
- Section 98 – Trade and commerce includes navigation and State railways
- Section 99 – Commonwealth not to give preference
- Section 100 – Nor abridge right to use water
- Section 101 – Inter-State Commission
- Section 102 – Parliament may forbid preferences by State
- Section 103 – Commissioners’ appointment, tenure, and remuneration
- Section 104 – Saving of certain rates
- Section 105 – Taking over public debts of States
- Section 106 – Saving of Constitutions
- Section 107 – Saving of Power of State Parliaments
- Section 108 – Saving of State laws
- Section 109 – Inconsistency of laws
- Section 110 – Provisions referring to Governor
- Section 111 – States may surrender territory
- Section 112 – States may levy charges for inspection laws
- Section 113 – Intoxicating liquids
- Section 114 – States may not raise forces – Taxation of property of Commonwealth or State
- Section 115 – States not to coin money
- Section 116 – Commonwealth not to legislate in respect of religion
- Section 117 – Rights of residents in States
- Section 118 – Recognition of laws, &c. of States
- Section 119 – Protection of States from invasion and violence
- Section 120 – Custody of offenders against laws of the Commonwealth
- Section 121 – New states may be admitted or established
- Section 122 – Government of territories
- Section 123 – Alteration of limits of States
- Section 124 – Formation of new States
- Section 125 – Seat of Government
- Section 126 – Power to Her Majesty to authorise Governor-General to appoint deputies
- Section 127 – Aboriginal natives not to be counted
- Section 128 – Mode of altering the Constitution