Thursday, June 23, 2016

Federal Services ....

IMG 5949 

Privatization is the buzz word around at the moment.  We have a state and Federal government who are both big on privatization. But how far do people want to think about this as a real concern?

What is already in place here in Australia that is work ready to be changed over immediately the trade deals come into play?

The Australian Public Service Department has been largely contracted out to private corporations.  Immigration Centres are run by Serco Corporation.  My concern at present is with the Police Force of each state as well as our Federal Police Force.  What would life be like under a privatized police service?

Have the officers themselves thought about this scenario becoming a reality?  Has the Police Union addressed this matter?  These are all questions I have about this.  

If I were to rely on my spidey sense I would have to say its a real concern.

The Minister's Council on Asylum Seekers and Detention provides independent advice to the Minister for Immigration and Border Protection on policies...   So when you read through you begin to wonder why would SERCO want to cut them out?  See the PDF

There are a lot of reasons why so much privatization is a concern because of the TPP (trade agreements)

British owned corporation SERCO are raking in the money from asylum seekers and detention centres here in Australia.  I find it interesting that it is one of the biggest companies in the world and its British.  (Colonists).
Read this story about "What is SERCO Hiding" from the Sydney Morning Herald in May 2013.
 “Serco's transition from reporting entity in 2003 to non-reporting entity in 2012 is another in a growing list of known examples of bad financial reporting practice. That list seems to be growing in size even faster than Serco.”
Below here is a tweet I have read that gives me more cause for concern regarding this.


Images @ Eminpee Fotography

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